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Are You Awake Yet?

Are you awake yet?

Wondering why the Left is over-hyping a virus that by the CDC's own definition isn't even reached the level of a pandemic?

Wondering why the Left is squashing anything that would bring their fake pandemic to an end?

Wondering why the Left is releasing violent criminals from prisons?

Wondering why the Left is allowing (promoting actually) riots, looting, arsons, assaults, murders and general mayhem?

Wondering why at a time we need the police the most, the Left is calling for the defunding and dismantling of our police forces?

Wondering why the Left is generally promoting chaos and destruction?

Here's you're wake up call: it's planned. It has ALL been planned.

They are purposefully trying to cause a collapse of society. They want police officers gone and "citizen patrols" to take over. "Citizen patrols" don't follow rules, they don't follow the Constitution and they don't protect Government assets.

The Left is counting on being able to take over Government buildings & assets, eliminate opposition and take over local and state governments when there is no one to stop them because there are no police and we are too busy patrolling our own neighborhoods. (Read history: Bolshevik/October revolution).

While we're focused on keeping "bad guys" out of our neighborhoods they'll be putting "bad guys" in charge. Their "new government" will promise and end to the chaos, but it will put us all in the chains of Communism, with no escape.

Are you awake yet?

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