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Neuro-Linguistic Programming Being Used On Everyone in the U.S. (And World?)

This is something I have been thinking about since the whole "Corona Virus" thing first started, and I feel that it is time to tell others what I am observing. First a little (tiny bit) of background: I have been a student of Neuro-Linguistic Programming for the past 7 years; I've used it to help a number of people overcome past traumas, mental roadblocks and phobias. My teacher/mentor is one of the best in the world using this technology. For the past two years or so, I have been using NLP speaking techniques as a public speaker. I am going to apologize in advance; what I have to say is not going to be short, however by the end you will see how NLP is being used on us through this "pandemic" and perhaps get a feel for why no-one, yet, has "gotten off of the porch."

If you're unfamiliar at all with NLP, google it. People like Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn, my mentor and others have used it as a "motivational" (actually more of a transformational, when properly done) speaker. There are a great number of training programs out there, most of them geared toward salesmen and marketing people as NLP is quite effectively used in these industries (nearly every professional commercial uses at least one NLP technique). I am not here to teach about NLP in general, however, so lets just say at this point that it is a very, very effective form of persuasive communication. What I am going to share, specifically are two techniques.

1. The Pattern Interrupt

A pattern interrupt is a simple technique that intends to put a person into an "altered state." Milton Erikson, I believe, was the first to use this to induce a full hypnotic state; the first time I witnessed it used in this manner I was sure it was fake. I had been to the "Hypnotist show" at the State Fair, and believed that it took time to "walk" people into a hypnotic trance, yet after learning the technique and practicing it myself I became convinced. I will say, that the vast majority of time, a hypnotic trance is not necessary to do the transformational work that a client is desiring; in fact a lot of people are very resistant to the idea of being "hypnotized" (yet don't realize that everything you have learned, you were in a sort of trance while learning).

But what is a pattern interrupt? Let me give you a simple example. Let's say you're at a party and that long-winded guy that can drone on and on about his favorite subject (that you have no interest in) has you cornered and he's just getting warmed up (and let's suppose for argument's sake that this is someone you don't want to be rude to) what do you do? "Do you smell pop-corn?" You ask a question like that and it interrupts his "pattern," this leave him in a light trance like state, a receptive state. Then you simply make a suggestion, change the subject, excuse yourself and he has no idea what really happened and doesn't think you were rude at all. The pattern interrupt can even be an action, anything that breaks their pattern. The important thing to remember (for the purposes of this thread) isn't how to do it, but that once a pattern interrupt is successfully employed it leaves the "audience" in a receptive state, ready to receive further instruction.

This isn't always necessarily an intentional thing; I use this example often in my public speeches when I discuss how communication affects our subconscious mind: There was a little girl, about 6 years old and if you can picture it, like a lot of little girls liked to play dress up, and this girl had done just that: she had put on a special outfit just for dancing, an outfit for "performing." Off she went into the living room, twirling, and singing (at the top of her lungs) and dancing, a picture that under normal circumstances would warm the heart of a mama who was watching this. I don't know if you've been around any six year old when they sing, but most of them are off-key, off-pitch, especially if they're LOUD! Such was the case for this little girl, and unfortunately for her, her mama had just gotten home from a bad day at work, had a huge headache and was not in the mood to have a 6 year old girl twirling and dancing and singing (at the top of her lungs) in the living room where she was trying to relax. "Would you just STOP THAT, you have a terrible voice anyway!" As parents, we've all said and done things to our children that we've instantly regretted, and I'm sure she regretted it the moment that she said it, but the damage was done (damage that could have been reversed if she understood what had just happened). What exactly did just happen? Well the little girl was in a pattern (singing and dancing, "in her own world" some might say), the mother interrupted that pattern ("STOP THAT"), leaving the child in a receptive state ("you have a terrible voice"). That one instance transformed the little girl, she became quiet and shy and didn't like to speak very loudly, you see she heard and took in the idea that she had a terrible voice.

How does this apply to what is going on today? Think about it, this whole pandemic is a HUGE pattern interrupt (something like this has never happened in most people's lifetime, and even the centenarian would have been too young to really remember), every pattern we have for what we would have called a "normal" life has been interrupted. From the way you do your job (if you didn't lose it), the way you run your business (if you have one), being asked/required to wear a mask in public, standing in a line (six feet apart) to get into a grocery store, having directional arrows on the floors of said grocery stores, interacting with the clerks through a plexiglass window. Do you remember they even shut down outdoor recreational areas: how was being alone out in the woods riskier than going to a grocery store? Whether you believe the "conspiracy theory" of a planned epidemic or not, you have to see that, intentional or not, this has, in effect been a HUGE pattern interrupt... and the vast majority of the population entered into that receptive state and bought into the mainstream media's fear mongering and thus willingly donned masks and stood by as businesses were shut down.

Finally, the riots too are a pattern interrupt; perhaps intended to "get the rest of us" that didn't fall for the first pattern interrupt. Lastly, the pattern interrupt puts us in that receptive state for the next technique: The Micro-Commitment.

2. The Micro-Commitment

Micro-Commitments are generally used during sales presentations, getting the buyer to make many small agreements, leading them to the larger agreement to buy. However, this technique has also been used by interrogators of prisoners of war. Soldiers are trained to resist standard interrogation techniques, sleep depravation, starvation, physical abuse, etc... Micro-commitments use an entirely different tactic and you can see them come to play in a "good-cop/bad-cop" scenario. Let's take a look at our prisoner of war, locked away in his cell, proud that while he was beaten, starved and not allowed to sleep he didn't break and it seems that the enemy has given up. He's been given a meager amount of food and been allowed to rest; his late night guard even seems to be friendly enough even though the guard appears to have been reprimanded, even physically punished for speaking to the prisoner. Yet late at night, he uses his broken English to talk to the prisoner. "I like America", "I want go America" eventually the prisoner starts to drop his guard a little, having brief, quiet conversations with the guard. Then one day, the guard asks him what it' like in America and the prisoner describes how wonderful life is there. "Is it like that for everyone in America?" Well no, it's not the prisoner concedes, for some life is more of a struggle. As time goes on the guard gets him to admit that life isn't in America isn't as great as it's made out to be...

Do you see the micro-commitments in this story? Many of them are not even verbal; feeling sorry for the guard getting in trouble just for talking to him. Yet ultimately this guard managed to convince the prisoner to actually sign a statement saying that America was not a great country, that it was filled with lies and deceit. Something the soldier would have never believed he would say, ever, but one micro-commitment after the other lead him down that path. It's the frog boiling to death in water that is heated slowly (even though I believe that's been busted, the frog jumps out).

This one is even more critical, in my opinion to our current situation. This is how they are getting the vast majority of the population to buy into accepting a micro-chip vaccination record. Something that six months ago MOST people would have thought of as being ludicrous, yet now a large portion of the population is already talking about being ready to accept. It's not just a micro-chip though, it's designed to get us to accept a "new normal" (how many times have you heard that phrase in the past 6 months?). It's also designed to prepare police officers for what may be coming soon, maybe not this year, but soon. How long did it take Nazi Germany to go from having normal police officers to having SS who had the authority to shoot you on site if you resisted their orders?

You see, the government doesn't start by asking police officers to "round up dissidents, shooting those who resist." No they ask them to cite and arrest people who won't wear a mask. Then they ask officers to cite or arrest business owners that refuse to shut down. At some point they'll ask officers to remove children from the homes of people who tested positive (for the children's safety of course). At some point they'll have officers forcibly remove people from their own homes to go to "quarantine centers." At some point they'll ask officers to go door to door and confiscate guns and ammunition from law abiding citizens. At some point they'll have officers start rounding up "dissidents" (those who refuse the vaccine/micro-chip). At some point they'll start having officers shoot anyone who resists.

It all starts with a micro-commitment of citing and arresting those who will not wear a mask. And another micro-commitment of citing or arresting business owners who refuse to shut down. And then another micro-commitment and another.

Do you see why, now, patriots are still on their porches? We were caught off-guard, we expected them to come for our guns and they didn't, they did the unexpected (broke our pattern) using a hyper-sensationalized flu virus to create a fake pandemic. They used a pattern interrupt to put the entire country, nay the entire world into a receptive state, willing and ready to accept a Big Brother government, so long as it protected us from the big, bad, scary virus. And they've been using micro-commitments every step of the way to get us to accept what they are calling the "New Normal"... the question is where will these micro-commitments eventually take us? When they start loading people in box-cars to take them to "camps for the unvaccinated" it will be too late.

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