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The Impeachment Scam

In the past, I can see how someone might say that the majority of our politics is an attitude of "our guy is good, their guy is bad." And I can grasp the concept that there is corruption in both parties; however, my hallucination is that the corrupt in one party is using their position just to "get rich," while the other party seems intent on driving the country into a Marxist Hell we'll be fighting to get out of for a long time. Having said that, looking at what is going on with President Trump, hearing the talking heads trying to make us feel their "Orangeman Bad" narrative is correct and watching Democratic politician one after another call for the Presidents impeachment since before he was even sworn into office, and watching one investigation after the other try to catch the President doing something, anything, wrong and then realizing that the best they could come up with, the most damning "crime" they could try to hang him with is this Ukrainian Phone Call. Seeing all of this unfold, and hearing the bull-crap oozing out of their mouths, as we are just supposed to stand by and accept the lies that they are handing us, we can realize that with all of the scrutiny, all of the investigations and all of the microscopes that they've had on the President since he took office, if he really had done something wrong, then they'd be presenting that case and not the flimsy sham we now see in the Senate. Further watching the circus act that was the House Impeachment hearing was like watching a bunch of drunk, blind-folded, college kids try to play "court," trying a murder case in which the "victim" repeatedly tells everyone that they're still alive, and there is no murder (the former President, the current President and Prime Minister of Ukraine all said they felt "no pressure" from President Trump). Seeing all of this, hearing politician after politician express their opinion, and getting a handle on the whole #QAnon thing by watching Praying Medic's ( videos; I am even more inclined to believe QAnon is real after watching this whole impeachment scam; hopefully more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that the mainstream media is nothing more than a puppet of the Marxists who want to dismantle the U.S. Constitution to bring America their Socialistic nightmare. Hopefully Americans are waking up to the corruption in the media and the government and hopefully they are ready for the indictments that QAnon says are coming.

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