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We Must Organize, Now!

As I've said before, the Left didn't attack us the way we thought they would. We thought that Hitlary would win (or someone like her in the future) and they'd come after our guns. We all made mental "lines in the sand" regarding this and it never happened. Let's take a look at what the Left actually did:

They over-hyped a (maybe slightly worse than the seasonal flu) virus and convinced us all to "social distance," they shut down small businesses, yet let large corporations like Walmart stay open. Tens of millions lost their jobs, many, many thousands of small/medium businesses are now effectively out of business. And they convinced police officers (who swore an oath to defend the constitution) to carry out their unconstitutional orders (laws are passed by legislative branches, not the whims of the would-be-dictator).

They used this over-hyped virus as an excuse to release violent criminals from prisons.

Then they used a video of a bad cop public executing a "black man" (never mind that the victim was also a criminal) as an excuse to incite riots, looting, arsons, assaults, murders and general mayhem.

They used the outrage that they manufactured to call for defunding police departments, even calling for police departments to be dismantled entirely.

Meanwhile the Left continues to promote chaos and destruction; fighting against Federal agencies that are attempting to protect Federal Assets.

This was planned, it was ALL planned; the evidence was in plain sight the entire time too:

  • Fake Stream Media reporting that hospitals in NYC are being "overrun" (showing lines of people, and tents being setup to "handle the overload") yet the next day "Citizen Reporters" are posting on YouTube that there are no lines, the tents are empty, the emergency room is empty.

  • Fake Stream Media getting caught using video from other countries as "NYC Hospitals" and then later using the same footage for "Philadelphia Hospitals"

  • Governors ordering infected patients back in to nursing homes thereby ensuring that the most vulnerable among us were exposed to the virus as much as possible

  • Numbers and statistics from the very beginning being inflated or faked.

  • The George Floyd video has the cop look right in the camera with a "I don't give a shit" look on his face; other cops in the video not saying or doing anything to stop the execution.

  • Pallets of bricks showing up mysteriously for "protestors" to use

  • "Protestors" all wearing the same "I Can't Breathe" T-Shirts across the country (this really shows how organized they are, and that it's not local, but national)

  • Police Chiefs & Mayors ordering their police forces to "stand down"

  • "Autonomous Zones" being allowed to be established (in the first place) and continue, even after someone is killed in the "zone"

They are purposefully trying to cause a collapse of society. They want police officers gone and "citizen patrols" to take over. "Citizen patrols" don't follow rules, they don't follow the Constitution and they don't protect Government assets.

The Left is counting on being able to take over Government buildings & assets, eliminate opposition and take over local and state governments when there is no one to stop them because there are no police and we are too busy patrolling our own neighborhoods. (Read history: Bolshevik/October revolution).

While we're focused on keeping "bad guys" out of our neighborhoods they'll be putting "bad guys" in charge. Their "new government" will promise and end to the chaos, but it will put us all in the chains of Communism, with no escape.

The Left has been planning this and putting this together for YEARS; all while attacking Right Wing organizations, especially if they are pro 2A "militias." Labeling them as "extremist" and "domestic terrorists" and "antigovernment" prevented a lot of people (myself included) from joining their ranks. It kept them localized and therefore not organized and coordinated at a national level.

So now at a time when we actually need a militia to stand up and defend, go in when police officers have been told to back off, they won't. Because we isolated them, labeled them, etc... they (rightly so) have an attitude of "we protect our own." And this will be our downfall, we will all resort to "protecting our own," when our police forces are shut down, or too many officers just quit because they're sick of the hands being tied, we'll join our neighborhood "citizen patrols." We'll "take care of our own" and "fuck the Gov't that abandoned us" leaving it wide open for Antifa/BLM/Marxist to walk in and take control of the Government.

They'll establish a new government, promising the population "safety and security" and after months of Chaos (maybe even just weeks), most of the population will submit to the new Gov't. Dissenters - those radical "Right Wing Extremists" that refuse to submit will be hunted down in the hills and mountains to which they fled. It might take years, and some of them may find a way to "fit in" but you can only be "underground" for so long before you're found out, especially when your neighbor is rewarded handsomely for turning you in.

So what do we do? What can we do?

If we do manage to get organized, and start our own protests how long before BLM/Antifa start showing up to counter protest. And when the SHTF and bullets start flying who do you think the Fake Stream Media will paint as "the Bad Guys." Who do you think will actually be arrested and prosecuted? Do we organize a "protection force" to keep the Left from taking over the Gov't?

One thing is for sure, we can not, absolutely can not remain divided. Personally, I am looking for a local militia (or something) to join. I'm in my late 40's, overweight, out of shape and haven't been out shooting for over a year, but I can't stand by and watch as this country is destroyed. I am a great public speaker, put me in front of a crowd and I'll show them what is happening, they'll hear about the danger that is facing America and be able to get a grip on the need to do something about it.

We are YEARS behind in planning, but we do have the advantage of having the majority of veterans, both military and law enforcement, but the longer we wait to organize, the less likely we will succeed in defending this country.

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